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NME - Double Page Spread

The title of the article uses a pun based on the name of the artist and the title "Lady and the the Tramp" to draw in potential readers who may otherwise skip past this. The 'gaga' in the name of the artist has been presented in black font on a grey background making it harder to read and therefore making the pun more effective. the Title is extremely simplistic with no flare to represent how Lady GAGA has changed her persona and became a lot more understated. The title also matches the picture as they both have a washed out filter to it with no real bright or distinguishable colours 

Just above the main article, the editor of the magazine has written a foreword describing a background on the article to give all readers the same knowledge level to understand the article as much as each other. This foreword also subtly credits the writer of the article. The starting paragraph of the article uses a drop cap which makes the first letter the size of 5 lines of the article. This draws the eye of the reader so they are aware this is where the article actually starts. The language used throughout the article shows the writer talking to the reader like he is telling them a story.

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