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Front Cover Flat Plan 1st Draft

Front Cover 1st Draft

I like the style of this cover however half way through i started to dislike the aesthetics of it and felt that is did not represent the style of what i wanted my artist to be, it was to simple and clean where as i wanted my cover to be wild and colourful. If i attempted to do this with this range of colours it would start to look tacky, immature and is if i had made it on word with minimal customisation

Front Cover Flat Plan 2nd Draft

Front Cover 2nd Draft

I prefer this version of my front cover as it is a lot more expressive  and colourful, it represents the wildness that i wanted to portray in my artist while still being simplistic and modern.

Below are some peoples reviews of my second front cover after the first draft, they are positive and negative and i have addressed and learnt from the negatives by addressing them whilst creating my second draft.

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