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Kerrang Content

The contents page retains the house style of the front cover by keeping with the black, red and yellow colour scheme. across the top there is a vibrant yellow banner; on the left s the staple "Karang!" logo and the after it it says contents. On the right hand side of the banner it has some smaller text telling the reader the issue number and the date of that issue.

On the upper left coming down into the middle there is a rectangular picture. in the back ground there is a gradient starting from black at the bottom going up to alternating red and yellow. i the foreground there are various items of clothing and a picture of the band who is selling the cloths. The pull line in red and yellow says "wanna win all this sweet swag?"which is a rhetorical question designed to provoke the reader into reading about the competition.

A column stretching the whole of the right hand length of the page is whited out i the background and has the contents of the magazine on the inside. It doesnt have its pages in number order but instead has them under titles such as "feedback," "news," and "live interviews." This is so that the reader can immediately find what they are looking for with in the magazine without having to look through everything else. these headings are in bright yellow and the background for them is a horizontal strip or black/purple.

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